Here is this wonderful song from the recently released Ranjit Kapoor film Chintuji (2009), starring Rishi Kapoor. It was a sweet little film and I would recommend it to everyone. But the most exciting portion for me in this film was this tribal song featuring Sophie Choudhary. It was meant to be gibberish, but the director most interestingly used this situation to pay tribute to some of the greatest filmmakers of all time. It was pure fun. Just try to figure out the names:
Tarantino Vittorio Mizoguchi Coppola
Tarantino Wilder Capra Ozu Bertolucci Pekinpah
Fellini Visconti Oshima Coppola Coppola
Wyler Hitchcock Wajda Mizoguchi DePalma
Wyler Hitchcock Wajda Brian De
Akira Kurosawa Vittorio De Sica
Akira Kurosawa Vittorio De Sica
Bertolucci Bertolucci Lumet Lumet
Bertolucci Bertolucci Oho Oho Oh
Sergio Leone Sergio Leone Truffaut Truffaut
Sergio Leone Sergio Leone Oho Oho Oh
Wyler Hitchcock Wajda Mizoguchi DePalma
Wyler Hitchcock Wajda Brian De
Akira Kurosawa Vittorio De Sica
Akira Kurosawa Vittorio De Sica
Woody Allen Woody Allen B DeMille C B DeMille
Woody Allen Woody Allen Ohhhhhh
Wyler Hitchcock Wajda Mizoguchi DePalma
Wyler Hitchcock Wajda Brian De
Akira Kurosawa Vittorio De Sica
Akira Kurosawa Vittorio De Sica
Listen to the song to enjoy it better. Watch the video and keep smiling a big, wide smile. (here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkZss7qE3bM ) Watch the movie anyway.
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